Monday, September 6, 2010

The Organic stuff.....

The Organic stuff....

I have been hesitant to experiment, but figure I spent $3 on it so i might as well!

I decided to make pumpkin pie. So i made the crust first.
It called for a deep dish pie pan, but being the dummy I am sometimes, I used a regular pie pan, and it wasnt as deep. So i had lots of extra crust, but I made it work!

I opened the can. Its consistancy was a bit more watery than Libby's,
but other than that, it seemed normal....

I had to give it the "smell test".
I always smell all my food before I eat it. Im weird, just ask my family!!

The mixture still seemed really liquidy after all the ingredients were in it.

I just wasn't sure. So far I wasn't having much faith in this brand.......

I am not a perfect pie crust maker still working on it....

The crust was a bity dry, but other than that it seemed to be actually cut really well.

To be honest, it was not that bad. I could taste a slight difference since I am a Libby's pumpkin snob, but my husband and neighbor couldn't tell the difference. So, I would say try this brand.
It isn't Libby's, but its a decent subsitute!

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