I don't know about you, but sometimes when I read a cookbook, I feel as if I am being "talked down to." Almost as if I should automatically know everything the author knows and be on the same skill level. When I first opened this book, I automatically assumed the same. Yet, I was sadly mistaken!
I read the first few pages, it is her Introduction page. Let me tell you, I felt welcome! You open those first few pages and there is a picture of Rose. Some pictures of the author are those posed, "look off in the distances" poses. Yet, Rose is there in the kitchen, with one of her recipes all made up, with a million dollar smile. You can't help but like her aready! I felt as if Rose and I were "old friends," and she was catching me up since the last time we talked. That is one of the first thing I noticed about this book even in the first few pages, and we haven't even gotten to the recipes yet! Rose talks to you, as if she is right there in the room with you. Its very warming and welcome.
Here are a few glimpses of the book
Front cover
A recipe in the book
Meet Rose
Back Cover
Please stay tuned for more reviews of this book!

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