Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cosmopolitan Truffles

So today, I made one of my favorites! Cosmopolitan truffles. A sergeant at my work put in an order for the chocolate. They are SO EASY to make! I usually only make chocolate or peanut butter, but i attempted to get a bit festive. I added some peanut butter sauce, and on some i added mini chocolate chips. They turned out great, although i found peanut butter doesn't exactly freeze like I wanted it too. But none-the-less, they came out pretty decent. These are pictures of ones I made last week. They are super yummy, but very rich! Make sure you have a glass of milk on hand if you have one of these!

Chocolate & PB sauce

Chocolate with mini chips

1 comment:

Steph said...

I love how the peanut butter ones look - so pretty! THEY ARE DELICIOUS! Thanks for making them for Lucy's party, as well as the cake. You are a great baker!